Feasibility and Acceptability of Using 2-Way Text Messaging to Improve Response to Critical Events

Journal Articles
Magee M, Isakov A, Paradise H, Sullivan P. Mobile phones and short message service texts to collect situational awareness data during simulated public health critical events. American Journal of Disaster Medicine. 2011 Nov-Dec; 6(6):379-85.
Magee M. Feasibility and Acceptability of Using 2‐Way Text Messaging to Improve Response to Critical Events. Emory Preparedness and Emergency Response Research Center Advisory Board Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, February 11, 2010
Magee M, Isakov A, Zerylnick J, Sullivan P. Short Message Service (SMS) Texting for Surveillance and Reporting: Pilot Testing Innovative Preparedness Communication. Public Health Preparedness Summit, Atlanta, GA. February 16-19, 2010.
Magee M, Paradise H, Isakov A, Sullivan P. Feasibility of two-way short message service (SMS) texting as epidemiologic tools in preparedness and surveillance research. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA. June 23-26, 2010.