ReadyVax Project
ReadyVax Mobile App contains information regarding vaccines, vaccine-preventable diseases, and vaccine safety for healthcare providers and patients.
To create a user-friendly mobile app to readily provide evidence-based answers to vaccine-related questions.
Born from the desire to develop a single, trusted, go-to vaccine resource, the ReadyVax Mobile App contains information regarding vaccines, vaccine-preventable diseases, and vaccine safety for healthcare providers (physicians and pharmacists) and patients. READYVAX provides access to the most up-to-date evidence based information needed to inform vaccination decisions. All information that has been included in this mobile app is based on current published evidence from scientific literature.

Saad B. Omer PhD, MPH, MBBS
Project Director
Professor, Global Health Jointly Appointed, Epidemiology William H. Foege Chair in Global Health

Robert Bednarczyk, PhD
Assistant Professor, Global Health, Jointly Appointed, Epidemiology

Ines Gonzalez-Casanova, PhD
Research Assistant Professor
Bednarczyk RA, Frew PM, Salmon DA, Whitney E, Omer SB. ReadyVax: A new mobile vaccine information app. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. January 6, 2017: 1-6. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2016.1263779.
Rollins Researchers Introduce New Vaccine App: ReadyVax
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